My name is Melina I come from Athens-Greece
and this is my story..

Ashtanga Yoga Tutorials

During the last couple of years of COVID-19 seclusion and after the persistent urge from my students, the ideal opportunity finally arose to focus on filming a series of Tutorials dedicated to the Primary Series of the Ashtanga Yoga Practice.

The Shala

Ashtanga Yoga Kifisia is a space dedicated to the teaching of the Ashtanga Yoga method, as taught under the lineage of Shri K. Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Jois..

Our Shala is our temple, a place to let go, meditate, re-charge & bloom like early flowers in spring..


Mysore Self Practice is the traditional way in which the Ashtanga practice is taught from teacher to student, in an unbroken lineage from Sri T. Krishnamacharya to now. In a Mysore class every student works to his/her own time & space, according to his/her experience & understanding of the practice.

Ashtanga Yoga ~Advanced A’ Series: Sthira Bhaga - Viranchyasana A..
-Sthira bhaga is a Sanskrit term that describes the advanced series of Ashtanga yoga. Sthira translates as “strong,” “stable,” “steady” and “resolute” while bhaga means “prosperity,” “good fortune” and “happiness.” The term is often translated as “strength and grace,” but also as “divine stability” and “sublime serenity.”-
-The first series tones the physical body, the second series strengthens the nervous system, while sthira bhaga builds on that foundation with a focus on both physical and spiritual strength, flexibility and balance. Each level of sthira bhaga, and each posture within each series, must be mastered before moving to the next.-
Ashtanga yoga practice is like the return journey of Ulysses to Ithaca after 10 years of endless adventures, sorrow, pain and wisdom..
It’s not the destination that counts, but the journey it self that takes all the credit..
Ashtanga yoga is a journey of this kind, a journey that is bound to built up strength, stability and steadiness, a journey that is bound to bring serenity, prosperity and happiness above all..
Ashtanga yoga is a lifetime adventure full of wisdom and inner joy.. it might take years for its fruits to mature, but it’s worth every single minute and circle of breath..
Ashtanga yoga is my Holy Bible, and I practice it like a faithfully follower..
It has never let me down..
Namaste 🙏
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How to jump out of Pincha Mayurasana..
~Helpful Practice Tutorials~
Who hasn’t struggled to jump out of Pincha Mayurasana and change the position of the hands in the air while the legs are simultaneously dropping down??
The truth is that if you have reached this far through the intermediate series of Ashtanga, your body is strong enough to undertake the challenge, while it is most probably the technique that is missing out..
Hope you watch the tutorial and find it helpful regardless the unexpected yet sweet interruption from my little boy..
Let me know if you have any questions and I would love to help out if I could..
Wish you all a warm hearted evening despite the snowy Mediterranean weather..
Artwork by @mariantelman
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